What makes us different than other background check companies is that we don't rely on databases that are not updated and have old outdated information, database records may not be accurate or complete we personally check Federal, State, and Local courthouses & police records to get the most updated information for our customers.
Need a background check before you hire someone or on a new boyfriend or girlfriend, babysitter, cleaning person, neighbor or business partner or one on yourself before you rent or buy a home or condo so you know what is out there before applying for an apartment or to an association.
We search Federal, County & State Criminal records in Federal & County courts, and research any felony and/or misdemeanor, Criminal traffic Records, active Florida warrants cases we also we search sex offender and correctional databases to find info on anyone that has been incarcerated in prison or on probation.
Non-Lawyer Disclaimer: We are a non-lawyer self-help service that provides document assistance at your specific direction. We are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice or represent you in court, Neither The contents of this page nor of any conversation you have with us should or may be construed as legal advice. If you have legal questions you are encouraged to consult with or retain an attorney
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